Lightstick, Cyalume, Infrared

LSI Product ID: sig-8650-8652-ir

The 6" or 15" Infrared Cyalume Lightstick is a portable and cost-efficient source of light. Each lightstick is a pliable, plastic tube filled with two non-toxic chemical solutions, one held separate in a floating ampule to prevent activation until required. They are packaged in a foil wrapper for protection until use.

To activate, bend the tube and shake. This breaks the ampule and mixes the chemicals. A cool bright light is released via chemi-luminescense, a chemical reaction converting energy to light without heat, flame, or sparks. No batteries, bulbs, or lenses to break or replace. Also available in 7 colors with durations from 5 minutes to 12 hours. These lightsticks are suitable for a wide range of field-proven applications.

LSI Part No.
SIG-8650-IR Infrared 8-hour 6"
SIG-8652-IR Infrared 3-hour 15"

6" available in case pack of 100, 15" available in case pack of 20.
